What Did You Say?
Memories on a Road
Less Travelled
by D. Hugh Gillard
How does one find happiness in life when they can’t even say their own name correctly?
What Did You Say? Memories on a road less travelled is the life story of D. Hugh Gillard, a young boy born with a cleft lip and palate who grew to adulthood and achieved great success. Although faced with the many challenges of being “different,” Gillard was raised to see himself only as “normal.” He struggled with the severe speech impediment, unusual appearance, hearing loss, and discrimination so many clefted individuals are forced to deal with, all while trying to build a life and career. And that, he did. After four decades in the Oil and Gas industry, Mr. Gillard has retired as a pillar of the community and inspiration to many, including his ever-growing family.
What Did You Say? Memories on a road less travelled shows the heartache and triumphs of a man determined to have that “normal” life. With his uproarious sense of humour and whimsy, Mr. Gillard shares his unique views of how to succeed in life and business and have a good time while you’re doing it. This collection of memoires and recollections is motivational, historical, candid, self-effacingly humorous, and moving. From his earliest days growing up on the family ranch, to his ascension to the heights of the corporate boardroom, Mr. Gillard shares it all—from family life, to making friends, dating, surgeries, discrimination, getting educated, career successes and failures and married life—in his entertaining and down to earth style that he hopes will inspire anyone facing the challenges of being just a little bit different.
What Did You Say? Memories on a road less travelled is the life story of D. Hugh Gillard, a young boy born with a cleft lip and palate who grew to adulthood and achieved great success. Although faced with the many challenges of being “different,” Gillard was raised to see himself only as “normal.” He struggled with the severe speech impediment, unusual appearance, hearing loss, and discrimination so many clefted individuals are forced to deal with, all while trying to build a life and career. And that, he did. After four decades in the Oil and Gas industry, Mr. Gillard has retired as a pillar of the community and inspiration to many, including his ever-growing family.
What Did You Say? Memories on a road less travelled shows the heartache and triumphs of a man determined to have that “normal” life. With his uproarious sense of humour and whimsy, Mr. Gillard shares his unique views of how to succeed in life and business and have a good time while you’re doing it. This collection of memoires and recollections is motivational, historical, candid, self-effacingly humorous, and moving. From his earliest days growing up on the family ranch, to his ascension to the heights of the corporate boardroom, Mr. Gillard shares it all—from family life, to making friends, dating, surgeries, discrimination, getting educated, career successes and failures and married life—in his entertaining and down to earth style that he hopes will inspire anyone facing the challenges of being just a little bit different.