Inspire Project: Mini Heroes

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Inspire Project: Mini Heroes

by Leela Jacobs

Photographed by Kristy-Anne Swart

Costumes by Janelle Nordin


Inspire Project: Mini Heroes is a portrait collection of historically influential people brought to life by little children. It intends to create hope and laughter and remind us that every inspiring person started out in this world as a child. To invest in our children is to invest in our future.

Inspire Project YYC is a not-for-profit foundation that seeks to increase awareness and raise funds for established charities in creative and inspiring ways. It was started by a group of Calgarian creatives, Leela Jacobs, Kristy-Anne Swart, Janelle Nordin, Alison Leontaridis, who combined their skills and resources to deliver inspirational messages of education, awareness, and action. They believe in supporting the fight for social justice by working with organizations seeking to affect change, especially in difficult areas. Making change in one life can be the catalyst to change many lives.

Proceeds from the sale of each copy of Inspire Project: Mini Heroes will be donated to children’s charities.

Beautifully designed and photographed, this hard-cover, dust jacketed book is a keepsake that will be enjoyed for years–and generations–to come.


Hard Cover w/ Dust Jacket
