Where is the Cat? by A.J. Gillard
This delightful children’s book was brought to 4th Floor Press by author A.J. Gillard in 2015. With its brightly coloured, fun illustrations and easy rhyming scheme, Where is the Cat? is a perfect early-reader. Recently picked up by a distributor in France, this title is now flying around the world as children learn to read and discover just exactly where Shroom the Cat is hiding.
Where’s the Cat? by A.J. Gillard
Where is the Cat? Is he there on the pillow, the pillow that’s yellow? Is he there in the box, the box full of socks? Follow Shroom the evasive cat as he plays and frolics his way through his house.
Where is the Cat? is a delightful romp that will enchant young readers as they learn.
Beliefs and Illness: A Model for Healing by Dr. Lorraine M. Wright and Janice M. Bell
Printed in 2009, Beliefs and Illness: A Model for Healing quickly became one of 4th Floor Press’ best selling titles. Picked up by university bookstores across Canada, this innovative and well-written book has found its way into classrooms and lecture halls all over the world. It’s message of living alongside illness and the importance of our beliefs resonants deeply with readers.
Beliefs and Illness: A Model for Healing
A compassion centered approach to illness suffering for
health care providers and families
What you believe affects your illness and your relationships. Serious illness and loss often invites suffering in individuals and families that is not adequately addressed by health care providers.
While primarily written for clinicians, including nurses, physicians, social workers, psychologists, and medical family therapists, Beliefs and Illness: A Model for Healing takes Doctors Wright and Bell’s internationally acclaimed Illness Beliefs Model and makes it easy to understand for the patient and their families as well. Developed from over 25 years of clinical practice, The Illness Beliefs Model has helped ease the suffering of countless of patients around the world by enabling clinicians and families to examine their own beliefs that may be causing unnecessary suffering within the illness experience.
Beliefs are at the heart of healing.
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